
156 lines
3.9 KiB

import std/[os,osproc,strutils,json,rdstdin,marshal]
Info* = object
title*: string
selected_fg*: string
selected_bg*: string
unselected_fg*: string
unselected_bg*: string
full_text*: string
# next few are for i3bar use
border*: string
background*: string
color*: string
html_text*: string
short_text*: string
i3BarInput* = object
button*: int
x*: int
y*: int
const font = "Hermit-10"
const background* = "#000000"
const backgroundalt* = "#bb222222"
const backgroundalt2* = "#bb333333"
const foreground* = "#dfdfdf"
const foregroundalt* = "#777"
const foregroundalt2* = "#ccc"
const black* = "#000000"
const white* = "#FFFFFF"
const yellow* = "#ffb52a"
const red* = "#e60053"
const purple* = "#9f78e1"
const blue* = "#0a6cf5"
const lightblue* = "#7296EF"
const lighterblue* = "#B5DDF7"
const green* = "#4b9901"
const lightgreen* = "#00ff00"
const grey* = "#dfdfdf"
const darkgrey* = "#444"
const primary* = yellow
const secondary* = red
const alert* = "#bd2c40"
var loop* = false
var stoploop* = true
var dmenu* = true
var rofi* = false
proc newInfo*(title: string = "Info"): Info =
return Info(
title: title,
selected_fg: black,
selected_bg: white,
unselected_fg: white,
unselected_bg: black,
# next few are for i3bar use
border: white,
background: black,
color: foreground,
proc debugLog*(str: string) =
let f = open("/tmp/debug.txt",fmAppend)
defer: f.close()
proc switchTwmMode*(mode: string = "default") =
# I intend to add support for more twm as time goes on (I switch around a lot)
# Switch out of an i3 bindsym mode if set
discard execCmd("i3-msg mode \"" & mode & "\"")
proc parseInput*(): i3BarInput =
let input = readLineFromStdin("")
let jsonNode = parseJson(input)
let i3input = to(jsonNode, i3BarInput)
return i3input
return i3BarInput()
proc clearInput*(count: int = 1) =
for x in countup(1, count):
discard readLineFromStdin("")
proc getArguments*(): seq[string] =
let args = commandLineParams()
return args
proc runDMenu*(data: Info, opts: varargs[string], rofi: bool = false): string =
# Build dmenu/rofi command
var cmd = "echo -e \""
# if the text is empty, we don't want to create a menu item of it
if $data.full_text != "":
cmd &= $data.full_text & "\n"
for opt in opts:
cmd = cmd & opt & "\n"
if not rofi:
cmd = cmd & "\" | dmenu"
# run rofi in dmenu mode
cmd = cmd & "\" | rofi -dmenu"
cmd = cmd & " -l " & $(len(opts) + 1)
cmd = cmd & " -p \"" & $data.title & "\""
cmd = cmd & " -nb \"" & $data.unselected_bg & "\""
cmd = cmd & " -nf \"" & $data.unselected_fg & "\""
cmd = cmd & " -sb \"" & $data.selected_bg & "\""
cmd = cmd & " -sf \"" & $data.selected_fg & "\""
cmd = cmd & " -fn " & font
#echo "Dmenu :", cmd
# Run command and get output
let output = execCmdEx(cmd)
let option:string = strip(output[0])
return option
proc outputData*(data: Info, args: varargs[string]): string {.discardable.} =
var output = ""
if rofi:
output = runDmenu(data,args, rofi = true)
elif loop:
# mainly for i3bar/i3blocks compatible output
var j_data = data
if j_data.html_text != "":
j_data.full_text = j_data.html_text
echo $$j_data
# if all else fails, use dmenu (default)
output = runDmenu(data,args)
return output
# At Start up:
# Switch bindsym mode back to default as it could be being used.
for arg in getArguments():
case arg:
of "noloop":
stoploop = true
of "i3bar":
# I've kind of changed from using an i3bar to using #nobar so i3bar
# isn't really supported any more but this is here for backwards compatibility
loop = true
stoploop = false
of "dmenu":
stoploop = true
dmenu = true
of "rofi":
stoploop = true
rofi = true