switched default to rofi

This commit is contained in:
Paul Wilde 2022-07-05 13:00:40 +01:00
parent d7128e0540
commit 836cfab8d8
8 changed files with 72 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ type
html_text*: string
short_text*: string
args*: seq[string]
Dmenu = object
Menu = object
command: string
bottom: string
grab_kb: string
@ -28,12 +28,13 @@ type
norm_fg: string
sel_bg: string
sel_fg: string
extra_cmd: string
i3BarInput* = object
button*: int
x*: int
y*: int
const font = "Hermit-12"
const font = "Hermit-8"
const background* = "#000000"
const backgroundalt* = "#bb222222"
const backgroundalt2* = "#bb333333"
@ -58,8 +59,8 @@ const alert* = "#bd2c40"
const MAX_LINES = 20
var loop* = false
var stoploop* = true
var dmenu* = true
var rofi* = false
var dmenu* = false
var rofi* = true
var passmenu* = false
var command_wrapper* = false
var run_command* = ""
@ -80,35 +81,41 @@ proc newInfo*(str: string = "Info"): Info =
color: foreground,
proc newDmenuConfig(cmd: string = "dmenu"): Dmenu =
var dmenu = Dmenu()
dmenu.command = cmd
dmenu.bottom = "-b"
dmenu.grabkb = "-f"
dmenu.i_case = "-i"
dmenu.lines_shown = "-l"
dmenu.monitor = "-m"
dmenu.prompt = "-p"
dmenu.font = "-fn"
dmenu.norm_bg = "-nb"
dmenu.norm_fg = "-nf"
dmenu.sel_bg = "-sb"
dmenu.sel_fg = "-sf"
return dmenu
proc newMenuConfig(cmd: string = "rofi -dmenu"): Menu =
var menu = Menu()
menu.command = cmd
menu.prompt = "-p"
menu.i_case = "-i"
menu.lines_shown = "-l"
return menu
proc newRofiConfig(): Dmenu =
var rofi = newDmenuConfig()
rofi.command = "rofi -dmenu"
return rofi
proc newRofiConfig(): Menu =
var menu = newMenuConfig()
menu.extra_cmd = "-markup-rows -kb-row-select \"Tab\" -kb-row-tab \"\""
return menu
proc newDmenu(): Dmenu =
proc newDmenuConfig(cmd: string = "dmenu"): Menu =
var menu = newMenuConfig("dmenu")
menu.bottom = "-b"
menu.grabkb = "-f"
menu.monitor = "-m"
menu.font = "-fn"
menu.norm_bg = "-nb"
menu.norm_fg = "-nf"
menu.sel_bg = "-sb"
menu.sel_fg = "-sf"
return menu
proc newMenu(): Menu =
if rofi:
return newRofiConfig()
elif passmenu:
return newDmenuConfig("passmenu")
elif command_wrapper:
return newDmenuConfig(run_command)
if dmenu:
return newDmenuConfig()
elif passmenu:
return newMenuConfig("passmenu")
elif command_wrapper:
return newMenuConfig(run_command)
return newMenuConfig()
proc debugLog*(str: string) =
let f = open("/tmp/debug.txt",fmAppend)
@ -147,34 +154,44 @@ proc quote*(str: string): string =
# Put leading and ending quote marks in
return " \"" & text & "\" "
# ^ Add a spaces ^ so the previous flag isn't touching
proc markup(str: string): string =
var text = str
proc genDmenuCmd*(data: Info, opts: varargs[string], rofi: bool = false): string =
return text
proc genMenuCmd*(data: Info, opts: varargs[string], rofi: bool = false): string =
# Build dmenu/rofi command
var cmd = ""
# if the text is empty, we don't want to create a menu item of it
if data.full_text != "":
cmd &= data.full_text & "\n"
let text = markup(data.full_text)
cmd &= text & "\n"
for opt in opts:
cmd = cmd & opt & "\n"
let text = markup(opt)
cmd = cmd & text & "\n"
cmd = "echo -e" & quote(cmd) & " | "
var dmenu = newDmenu()
cmd = cmd & dmenu.command & " "
cmd = cmd & dmenu.lines_shown & " " & $MAX_LINES & " "
cmd = cmd & dmenu.prompt & quote(data.title)
cmd = cmd & dmenu.norm_bg & quote(data.unselected_bg)
cmd = cmd & dmenu.norm_fg & quote(data.unselected_fg)
cmd = cmd & dmenu.sel_bg & quote(data.selected_bg)
cmd = cmd & dmenu.sel_fg & quote(data.selected_fg)
cmd = cmd & dmenu.font & quote(font)
var menu = newMenu()
cmd = cmd & menu.command & " "
cmd = cmd & menu.extra_cmd & " "
cmd = cmd & menu.i_case & " "
cmd = cmd & menu.lines_shown & " " & $MAX_LINES & " "
cmd = cmd & menu.prompt & quote(data.title)
cmd = cmd & menu.norm_bg & quote(data.unselected_bg)
cmd = cmd & menu.norm_fg & quote(data.unselected_fg)
cmd = cmd & menu.sel_bg & quote(data.selected_bg)
cmd = cmd & menu.sel_fg & quote(data.selected_fg)
cmd = cmd & menu.font & quote(font)
echo cmd
return cmd
proc runDMenu*(data: Info, opts: varargs[string], rofi: bool = false): string =
let cmd = genDmenuCmd(data, opts, rofi)
proc runMenu*(data: Info, opts: varargs[string], rofi: bool = false): string =
let cmd = genMenuCmd(data, opts, rofi)
#echo cmd
# Run command and get output
@ -188,7 +205,7 @@ proc copyToClipboard*(str: string) =
proc outputData*(data: Info, args: varargs[string]): string {.discardable.} =
var output = ""
if rofi:
output = runDmenu(data,args, rofi = true)
output = runMenu(data,args, rofi = true)
elif loop:
# mainly for i3bar/i3blocks compatible output
var j_data = data
@ -197,7 +214,7 @@ proc outputData*(data: Info, args: varargs[string]): string {.discardable.} =
echo $$j_data
# if all else fails, use dmenu (default)
output = runDmenu(data,args)
output = runMenu(data,args)
return output

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import std/[strutils,osproc]
# Basically just a wrapper to style passmenu nicely
proc main() =
var info = newInfo(capitalizeAscii(run_command))
let cmd = genDmenuCmd(info)
let cmd = genMenuCmd(info)
discard execCmd(cmd)

compile_all.sh Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
req_ssl=("./translate.nim" "./tides.nim")
for d in "${dependencies[@]}"; do
nimble install $d -n
for f in ./*.nim; do
if [[ $f == $dont_compile ]]; then
echo "Not compiling $f"
@ -12,7 +17,7 @@ for f in ./*.nim; do
if [[ $f == $i ]]; then
echo "Compiling $f with SSL"
nim c -d:ssl $f
nim c -d:ssl -d:release $f
@ -21,6 +26,6 @@ for f in ./*.nim; do
echo "Compiling $f"
nim c $f
nim c -d:release $f

fuzzytime.nim Normal file → Executable file
View file

View file

@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ proc getNetInfo*(my_nics: seq[string]) =
proc getNics*(): seq[string] =
var my_nics: seq[string] = @[]
for nic in nics:
if dirExists("/sys/class/net/" & nic):
for nic in os.walkDir("/sys/class/net/"):
let n = replace(nic.path, "/sys/class/net/", "")
if len(my_nics) > 0:
return my_nics

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import std/osproc
# Basically just a wrapper to style passmenu nicely
proc main() =
var info = newInfo("Passmenu")
let cmd = genDmenuCmd(info)
let cmd = genMenuCmd(info)
discard execCmd(cmd)

screenshot.nim Executable file → Normal file
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volume.nim Normal file → Executable file
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