
Latest Ponderings:

Joining Debian Linux (Desktop) to an Active Directory Domain

I've come across many articles about how to join a linux system to a Microsoft Active Directory domain and they all work more or less with some tweaking. This is my article, here describing my own processes for doing it, trying to explain each bit as it comes.

Part of a "Using Linux in a Windows Domain" group of posts.
This article is for desktop Debian Linux - for setting up a PC so it can be used by a standard user of the PC.

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Accused of Hacking

About 5 years years ago, during a security sweep of a new "app" a client had started using, I discovered the hosting company's website had a robots.txt giving the paths of many pages on their website containing sensitive information.
The whole thing is starting to snowball, so this is my statement.

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Norg Backup Utility


A simple, portable, wrapper for the borg backup and restic utilities written in Nim.

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