A few examples of some websites I have worked on. Some are just for fun, some are for business.
Your Friendly Error Code Index
Inspirational instructions for dealing with unhelpful error codes
St Skeletor’s Day
February 15th
Every Year
Rate Stuff with Ross, quite simple.
A website directory of all words that can be associated with their letters by not sounding as their corresponding letter should do.
Simple single page website for a local accountancy business. Has additional Vue.js implementation for news and exchange rates updates.
A local IT business website detailing available services. Our business website.
A spoof single page animation website of a secret society dedicated to finding all lost tin openers.
Just a very silly website with an animated face making sounds.
Yeah, just that really. (The image is not me)
Last Modified : Wed, 22 November 2023 at 13:53pm +0100