2024-08-18 16:09:14 +01:00
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< p > A simple battery monitor tool that can notify you on battery status changes for FreeBSD.< br / >
Inspired by but in no way similar to < a href = "https://github.com/electrickite/batsignal" > batsignal< / a > - inspiring the basic function only.
Written in pure < a href = "https://paulwilde.uk/ponderings/batmon/https/nim-lang.org" > Nim< / a > .< / p >
< span id = "continue-reading" > < / span > < h2 id = "requirements" > Requirements< / h2 >
< h3 id = "run-requirements" > Run Requirements< / h3 >
< ul >
< li > < code > apm< / code > < / li >
< li > < code > notify-send< / code > < / li >
< / ul >
< h3 id = "build-requirements" > Build Requirements< / h3 >
< ul >
< li > < code > nim< / code > < / li >
< li > < code > nimble< / code > < / li >
< / ul >
< h2 id = "installation" > Installation< / h2 >
< p > To install into your < code > .nimble/bin< / code > directory< / p >
< pre data-lang = "sh" style = "background-color:#212121;color:#eeffff;" class = "language-sh " > < code class = "language-sh" data-lang = "sh" > < span style = "color:#82aaff;" > git clone https://codeberg.org/pswilde/batmon < / span > < span style = "color:#89ddff;" > & & < / span > < span style = "color:#82aaff;" > cd batmon
< / span > < span style = "color:#82aaff;" > nimble install
< / span > < / code > < / pre >
< h2 id = "running" > Running< / h2 >
< pre data-lang = "sh" style = "background-color:#212121;color:#eeffff;" class = "language-sh " > < code class = "language-sh" data-lang = "sh" > < span style = "font-style:italic;color:#4a4a4a;" > # To run the daemon server notifier, just run:
< / span > < span style = "color:#82aaff;" > batmon< / span > < span style = "color:#89ddff;" > -< / span > < span style = "color:#f78c6c;" > d
< / span > < span >
< / span > < span style = "font-style:italic;color:#4a4a4a;" > # To run once and just show battery level, run:
< / span > < span style = "color:#82aaff;" > batmon< / span > < span style = "color:#89ddff;" > -< / span > < span style = "color:#f78c6c;" > o
< / span > < / code > < / pre >
< h2 id = "using" > Using< / h2 >
< p > When importing Batmon as a module you have access to the < code > get_battery_status()< / code >
procedure which will return a < code > Battery< / code > object you can use elsewhere.< / p >
< h3 id = "battery-type" > Battery Type< / h3 >
< pre data-lang = "nim" style = "background-color:#212121;color:#eeffff;" class = "language-nim " > < code class = "language-nim" data-lang = "nim" > < span style = "color:#c792ea;" > type
< / span > < span > < / span > < span style = "color:#ffcb6b;" > Battery< / span > < span > * = < / span > < span style = "color:#c792ea;" > object
< / span > < span > status*: < / span > < span style = "color:#ffcb6b;" > Status
< / span > < span > charge*: < / span > < span style = "font-style:italic;color:#c792ea;" > float
< / span > < span > < / span > < span style = "color:#ffcb6b;" > Status< / span > < span > * = < / span > < span style = "color:#c792ea;" > enum
< / span > < span > < / span > < span style = "color:#ffcb6b;" > High< / span > < span > ,
< / span > < span > < / span > < span style = "color:#ffcb6b;" > Low< / span > < span > ,
< / span > < span > < / span > < span style = "color:#ffcb6b;" > Critical< / span > < span > ,
< / span > < span > < / span > < span style = "color:#ffcb6b;" > Charging< / span > < span > ,
< / span > < span > < / span > < span style = "color:#ffcb6b;" > Unknown
< / span > < / code > < / pre >
< p > Also, you have access to the notification handler module, where you can build
and send your own notifications:< / p >
< pre data-lang = "nim" style = "background-color:#212121;color:#eeffff;" class = "language-nim " > < code class = "language-nim" data-lang = "nim" > < span style = "color:#c792ea;" > var< / span > < span > n = < / span > < span style = "color:#82aaff;" > newNotification< / span > < span > (< / span > < span style = "color:#c3e88d;" > " Title" < / span > < span > , < / span > < span style = "color:#c3e88d;" > " Body" < / span > < span > , urgency = < / span > < span style = "color:#ffcb6b;" > Normal< / span > < span > , timeout = < / span > < span style = "color:#f78c6c;" > 5000< / span > < span > )
< / span > < span style = "color:#c792ea;" > discard< / span > < span > n.< / span > < span style = "color:#82aaff;" > send< / span > < span > ()
< / span > < / code > < / pre >
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