2024-05-31 16:49:23 +01:00
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< title > Why I have turned off my BirdsiteLIVE instance | Paul' s Site of Stuff< / title >
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2024-05-31 16:49:23 +01:00
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< h1 class = "post-title" > < a href = "https://paulwilde.uk/ponderings/turning-off-birdsitelive/" > Why I have turned off my BirdsiteLIVE instance< / a > < / h1 >
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< p > Hello. How are you? I am fine.< br / >
< br / >
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You may know me from a few places, but likely on the Fediverse as the person that
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maintains a BirdsiteLIVE instance with the url < a href = "https://birdsite.wilde.cloud" > birdsite.wilde.cloud< / a > .< / p >
< span id = "continue-reading" > < / span > < h2 id = "why" > Why?< / h2 >
< p > Due to the recent influx of people from < em > the corporately owned microblogging platform< / em > ,
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the use of many BirdsiteLIVE instances has become massive.
Added to this, I have received many requests from users to block access to block
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their posts < em > from the other place< / em > via BirdsiteLIVE - which I have happily done
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for them, but < em > some people< / em > are do not ask nicely and instead resort to claims
of attacks on their privacy (I know, right‽ it's a clear misunderstanding of
how the internet works...). I've also been witness to some pretty brutal comments made towards BirdsiteLIVE's creator.< br / >
I simply don't feel comfortable with this.< br / >
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< br / >
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Added to this, the instance has become so saturated (over 1000%) that posts
< em > from the other place< / em > only turn up sporadically and normally in a flurry that
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clutters home timelines.< br / >
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This really isn't nice to see when you're trying to interact with many other people on the fediverse, only to have a huge block on nonsense posts in the middle of it all.< / p >
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< h2 id = "offline" > Offline< / h2 >
2024-07-29 12:43:21 +01:00
< p > So, I've been considering doing this for some time, but as from today, December 21st 2022, my BirdsiteLIVE instance is offline. I may start a new one up at some point in the future but with a new database, no old follows will remain.< br / >
2024-05-31 16:49:23 +01:00
I will continue to run my < a href = "https://birdsites.wilde.cloud" > BirdsiteLIVE Instance List< / a > which appears to be fairly web search-able to help people out - my original BSL instance URL will now redirect to this site.< / p >
< h2 id = "what-else-can-i-do" > What else can I do?< / h2 >
2024-07-29 12:43:21 +01:00
< p > Well, to put it bluntly, forget about < em > the other place< / em > . Use of the Fediverse has skyrocketed since < em > the other place< / em > 's recent ownership changed. You'll find most of the people you want to see postsby are on the Fediverse already! Who needs content from the other place?< / p >
< p > If you do need content from the other place, why not try using something like < a href = "https://nitter.net" > Nitter< / a > or one of it's many instances. You can even put < code > /rss< / code > at the end of the URL to get that content as a lovely RSS feed to put into your favorite RSS reader (you < em > are< / em > using RSS, right‽).< / p >
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< h2 id = "sign-off" > Sign off< / h2 >
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< p > Anyway, if you managed to get this far, thank you. I don't blog normally, but I felt I needed to put some kind of statement up, even if it is poorly written and slightly opinionated. Thanks for reading anyway.< / p >
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