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2024-07-29 12:43:21 +01:00
< p > Your Friendly Error Code Index
2024-05-31 17:02:09 +01:00
Inspirational instructions for dealing with unhelpful error codes< / p >
< pre data-lang = "sh" style = "background-color:#212121;color:#eeffff;" class = "language-sh " > < code class = "language-sh" data-lang = "sh" > < span style = "color:#82aaff;" > ERROR< / span > < span style = "color:#89ddff;" > -< / span > < span style = "color:#f78c6c;" > 41< / span > < span style = "color:#82aaff;" > : Failure!
< / span > < / code > < / pre >
2024-07-29 12:43:21 +01:00
< p > Wouldn’ t it be great if there was something to tell you what to do about this error?!
2024-05-31 17:02:09 +01:00
Wouldn’ t it be great if it said< / p >
< pre data-lang = "sh" style = "background-color:#212121;color:#eeffff;" class = "language-sh " > < code class = "language-sh" data-lang = "sh" > < span style = "color:#82aaff;" > ERROR< / span > < span style = "color:#89ddff;" > -< / span > < span style = "color:#f78c6c;" > 41< / span > < span style = "color:#82aaff;" > : Sit by a lake
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