--- title: How to customize warnings and errors eleventyNavigation: key: 💥 Customize warnings/errors parent: How-to guides order: 12 --- ## When things go wrong After Borg runs, it indicates whether it succeeded via its exit code, a numeric ID indicating success, warning, or error. borgmatic consumes this exit code to decide how to respond. Normally, a Borg error results in a borgmatic error, while a Borg warning or success doesn't. But if that default behavior isn't sufficient for your needs, you can customize how borgmatic interprets [Borg's exit codes](https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/general.html#return-codes). For instance, to elevate Borg warnings to errors, thereby causing borgmatic to error on them, use the following borgmatic configuration: ```yaml borg_exit_codes: - exit_code: 1 treat_as: error ``` Be aware though that Borg exits with a warning code for a variety of benign situations such as files changing while they're being read, so this example may not meet your needs. Keep reading though for more granular exit code configuration. Here's an example that squashes Borg errors to warnings: ```yaml borg_exit_codes: - exit_code: 2 treat_as: warning ``` Be careful with this example though, because it prevents borgmatic from erroring when Borg errors, which may not be desirable. ### More granular configuration New in Borg version 1.4 Borg support for [more granular exit codes](https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/1.4-maint/usage/general.html#return-codes) means that you can configure borgmatic to respond to specific Borg conditions. See the full list of [Borg 1.4 error and warning exit codes](https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/1.4.0b1/internals/frontends.html#message-ids). The `rc:` numeric value there tells you the exit code for each. For instance, this borgmatic configuration elevates all Borg backup file permission warnings (exit code `105`)—and only those warnings—to errors: ```yaml borg_exit_codes: - exit_code: 105 treat_as: error ``` The following configuration does that *and* elevates backup file not found warnings (exit code `107`) to errors as well: ```yaml borg_exit_codes: - exit_code: 105 treat_as: error - exit_code: 107 treat_as: error ``` If you don't know the exit code for a particular Borg error or warning you're experiencing, you can usually find it in your borgmatic output when `--verbosity 2` is enabled. For instance, here's a snippet of that output when a backup file is not found: ``` /noexist: stat: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/noexist' ... terminating with warning status, rc 107 ``` The exit status to use in that case would be `107` if you want to configure borgmatic to treat it as an error.